Sunday, August 26, 2012

Share Taxi

Dear Mr Tan

I recently read an interesting blog you wrote about using smartphone and GPS technology to help people share taxis and ease congestion. This concept is something that I totally agree with you on.

I'm pleased to inform you that I (along with three business partners) have recently launched such an app for the iOS platform to do exactly that. It is called GoMyWay (you can download it thru the iTunes app store for your iPhone or iPad). Also do check out:


We also have had some articles written about our app, as per below:





We believe the app would give people in Singapore a viable commuting alternative and increase the liveability of Singapore. However, this requires widespread adoption and we are working very hard in marketing this app at the moment. In this vein, it would be great if you could write about our app on your blog given you have such a wide and loyal following.

Ken Ng
CEO and Co-Founder

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