Saturday, September 29, 2012

Did CPIB used its powers properly?


  1. It takes 2 hands to clap, dun like to see a woman cut down to size like that by a senior counsel lawyer, one whom most probably she could afford to engage to defend her.
    Not a level playing field, tilted in favour towards this fallen CPIB guy.
    May God gives Cecilia the strength to carry on.
    The bullying and the smirk on Ng Boon Gay's face is disgusting to the core.

  2. On that "no sex, but pregnant" poser in the comments of Feedmetothefish, I believe, CS meant to test Gay's love. It was a what if question.

    Anyway, the way the CPIB & the DP proceeded, I thought I was reading a sexy novel..... Very entertaining, to keep our minds off more pressing National Issues, no ?

  3. Too early to tell...wait for the Defendant to stand in the witness box and also watch for the cross-examinations by both sides.....
