Monday, September 03, 2012

Enbloc Sale at Cactus Garden

This is the famous Hong Sheng Restaurant at Cactus Road. It has been famous for two decades for its seafood kuay teow. It has now moved to another location due to the enbloc sale of Cactus Garden.

The enbloc sales affected six coffee shops and cafes, with more than 20 stalls. These stalls have to relocate to other places and rebuild their business. This will not be easy.

When the site is redeveloped in the future, the rental is expected to double. This will increase the price of food served in the new outlets. Many of the customers are workers in nearby factories, who will not be able to afford the higher prices. This is the sad part of re-development and is a cause of the rising cost of living.


  1. The concept of enbloc sale has partly lead to rise of Singaporeans' selfish individualism.
    In the process of the sale, every owner has to fight teeth and nails to protect his rights, destroying decades old friendship among residents. The regulation of 80% approval requirement works against those who object the sale, leading to a lot of acrimony and resentment. Those gone thru Enbloc sale would agree, apportioning the common areas among the owners often lead to heated quarrels, some aggrieved owners threatening legal action, with lawyers in tow.
    Now Govt leaders try to cajole citizens to be open-hearted towards each other, the kampong spirit is of a bygone era, destroyed by materialism and urban renewal as mirrored by enbloc sales, splitting up family units, after the sale, each going their own way.
    The Govt should examine the root of the matter first, its policies, before coming out to talk, which is cheap, no responsibility attached.

  2. Mr Tan, can share where has it moved to? Cannot really make out from your photo. Thanks.

  3. Thunder,
    You can click on the photo to enlarge it.
    The new address is 201 Paya Lebar Road and Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 3.
