Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Give the same entitlement to all

I dislike the approach used by the Government to "differentiate" Singaporeans in getting different entitlements to the GST Vouchers and other top-ups based on arbitrary criteria and cutoff points. It does cause difficulty when some people felt that they have been "differentiated" unfairly.  Read this report,-practical

I prefer that approach adopted in Hong Kong where every citizen gets the same amount, regardless of their income level, age or type of house they live in. Hong Kong did not try to "differentiate" and "calibrate". They adopted a simple and fair method of giving the benefits.

Of course, the Hong Kong method gives the billionaire the same benefit as a pauper. Why begrudge the billionaire,who does pay a thousand of times more in tax anyway, and will probably donate this small entitlement to charity. By trying to "differentiate" the rich from the poor, there are many people who fell on the wrong side of the calibration and felt unfairly treated.


  1. Singapore govt seems to have taken measurement to a different level, i.e. they measure every nitty gritty details. One of the most important principle in performance management is accurate measurement. It will determine whether your performance appraisal system will work or not. Is this the right way or not, I am not sure..

  2. The Hong Kong model must have saved tons of paper and many hours at their CPF equivalent. !

  3. Let's get real.
    A one time GST gift voucher of $100 could settle what bills.
    It's like handing a few coins to a beggar, then walk away.
    People in Hongkong may complain why Li Ka Sing gets the same hongbao.
    The cutoff idea is a good proposal.
