Sunday, September 23, 2012

Insurance claim on Ferrari accident

Do you support the decision of the insurance company to reject the claim on the Ferrari accident?
Give your views in this survey.


  1. Hi Mr. Tan,

    Personally, I support the insurance company's (AXA, if I'm not wrong) stand of rejecting the claim, mainly because it is Ma Chi's fault for driving at such an insane speed on a normal road (ie., not Expressway). We all know that on Singapore road, the speed limit is 50km/h, unless otherwise stated, but Ma Chi drove his Ferrari at more than double the speed and he caused a fatal accident, killing four people, including himself. What can I say, I can only quote what many Singaporeans would say, "You want to die, die yourself lah. Why drag other people down with you?"

    Worse still, he wasn't under the influence of alcohol, which means that he knowingly stepped on the accelerator to achieve the speed of >100km/h. If this is not a wilful/negligence act, I don't know what is.

    However, the insurance company is not the judge. They should not impose their moral ethics on this case, that's the job of the judge. In fact, I'm happy that the case went up to the court. At least, there is someone who can give a satisfy outcome to both parties.

  2. I think that the important issue to address is not only the insurance claim, but also the act that caused this event of even having to look into the insurance claim.

    If everyone can be gracious and considerate drivers on our roads, knowing that the roads do not just belong to our own self but also other road users including other motorists, pedestrains, cyclists etc., then we will drive carefully and be conscious that there are other people using the roads and I am not the only one.

    Behind every person using the road is his/ her family, relatives and friends. Any death or unfortunate accidents caused on the roads will result in grieve and mourning for the injured or dead road users.

    It does not take much from the driver but just a simple thought of thinking of the safety of others and not being self-centered whenever he/ she is in control of the wheels.

    One may be rushing for time when driving on the roads. However, is one's time really so important than the time of others when injury has been caused to another road user who is the breadwinner of his family and thus not able to have time to work to support his family? Or consider the permanent loss of life to a road user when no amount of compensation can ever replace his life since the person is gone and the time to be spent by the family, relatives and friends with the lost person is forever gone?

    One can appreciate such road injuries and deaths no matter how many times the traffic road safety advertisements are shown on TVs only when it happen to ourselves or people we know. Then we will see it only so obvious that being considerate of other road users is top priority on our roads to minimise the potential of oneself causing physical and emotional pain to other road users and their families by causing an accident which could have been avoided if one had been patient and considerate on the roads.

    Be other-centered instead of self-centered. It is time to think of others instead of only oneself. Practise safe driving.
