Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lucky Tan's perspective of the National Conversation

Lucky Tan talks sense. Our Prime Minister's approach towards the National Conversation is already getting a lot of skepticism. Perhaps, the PM should read what Lucky Tan has said.


  1. I agree that it is difficult to have a conversation with 1,000 people. Each person has 10 opinions. How is the PM going to sort out with so many views?
    A better approach is to conduct several representative surveys - say 200 participants for each survey from a representative sample of citiznes. Their views are likely to reflect what the population thinks.
    The National Conversation can start to discuss the results of these surveys.

  2. Somebody suggested "an Opposition National Conversation" also be conducted, meaning this time excluding PAP and their related parties.
    Since 7 out of 10 participants in PM Lee's National Conversation are partisan to PAP, we need to compare it with alternative views from the Opposition politicians. Else it's as good as the PAP and their associates from grassroots and trade unionists talking among themselves, then it's not representative of the peoples' views.
    Presently, whether it's National Conversation or CONversation, or a staged Conversation, whatever, it dun matter to us, and we treat it as a non event. Then it defeats the purpose of engaging skeptical citizens.
