Friday, September 28, 2012

Opinion of the people

How do the Government get the real opinions of the people? Alex Au posed this question in

1 comment:

  1. We had practiced Taiji before, lessons were either at 9.00 am indoors in an airconditioned room, or 8 pm outdoors in the open. You would sweat like a horse at the end and need to drink water half way.
    It really came a surprise that the
    Authorities could stage such a Taiji show in the mid afternoon under a scorching sun.
    They said Singaporeans are daft people, goodness me, they also think British Royalty are just as daft.
    Always thought PAP MP Indranee Raja
    is a likeable, sensible MP, quite apart from the new, younger crop of show-off MPs, who like to engage in self publicity stunts to attract Singaporeans' attention.
    Thought Indranee is made of better stuff, would not thought she would also follow PAP GroupThink in setting up wayang shows too.
    Guess Royalty, like the ordinary Singaporeans, would prefer plain vanilla, real life experiences, nothing artificially staged.
