Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Inconsiderate bureaucrats

Our inconsiderate bureaucrats continue to impose an unfair burden on the small employers. My issue is time is with the SAF.

My staff went for in-camp training. He submitted a claim for NS makeup pay. I received an e-mail from SAF asking me to verify his claim. I click the link and had to enter my SingPass. This was not recognized. I was then asked to call the SAF hotline 1800 3676767.

This is supposed to be a hotline. It is an infuriating line. I went to an automated voice response system asking me all kinds of questions that I do not know how to answer. I tried to guess the button to push and there are more buttons to come. I finally got lost, after wasting much time.

I replied to the e-mail and once again was asked to call the SAF hotline. I tried again and after refusing to press a button 3 times, they asked me to press 0 to talk to a human being.

I pressed 0 and got a message that all the customer service officers are busy.

Why does the SAF need to waste so much of my time? How inconsiderate can they be?


  1. You can hardly speak to human beings nowadays. The whole idea is to make you frustrated and give up. This is customer service.
    You want inglish press 1; you want chinese press 2; u want indian press 3 ; you want malay press 4.
    to make enquiry prss 1, to make an enquiry in inglish press2,; to amke enquiry in chinese press3; etc etc
    to enquire abt our servies press 0; to enquire abot services in inglsih press 1; etcetc
    etc etc
    to speak to human a being press 0;
    to speak to human in inglish press 1; etcetce I am sorry all our human beings are very busy. Please hold if you want to wait for another human being if not press 1 for the main menu. Press 1 for inglish;; press 2 for chinese; etc
    If you want to terminate the call please press 1 for inglish....thank you for giving up. hope to be of service in your next call. Meantime please help by completing a survey call rating. press 1 for inglish; press 2 for chinese; etc etc. ...crash.!!!
    This is the call centre today in civil service.

  2. Same applies to telco call centres. Calling = infuriating yourself.
