Thursday, September 27, 2012

Student debts

Is is sad to spend so much money to get a degree and still be unable to find a job. This is the experience of many young people in America and other countries. The high unemployment rate of young people will be quite damaging for society. We need a new economic and social order to solve this problem. What do you think are the "out of the box" solutions?

1 comment:

  1. Many countries, including Malaysia, have graduates whose training do not match the job skills required in the industry. May take a leaf from the German model of education.
    Seems the young German stay longer schooling, spending part of their training/schooling on the industrial Corporate floor, gaining valuable practical, useful experience, which enable them to seamlessly join the job market when they graduate.
    Simply, the German Education Authorities, has an active hand in moulding and matching labour to industry needs, starting on the school front, thus saving valuable time and costs for both industry and young job-seekers.
    By the time they join the workforce, the young Germans are very well trained and skilled in their own fields.
    Of course there must be enough of jobs in the industries to absorb graduating students.
    In Singapore, students are free to pursue whatever courses they like, so in one year, there may be over supply of say Computer Engineers, or lawyers, etc.
    In Recession hit countries, maybe some Govt intervention needed by requiring Companies to give partime training work to these young restless graduates, it's another form of education extention but receiving some pay. It's better than being unemployed, and mitigate frustration and loss of confidence in the educated restless young.
    Singapore Authorities may learn from the Germans by embarking actively on career guidance to school leavers,
    e.g. actively encourage them to take up aeronautical engineering instead of following the herd to take up Business studies, aeronautical engineers are in short supply, and the degree travels very well anywhere in the world. Sometimes leaving entirely to market forces is not ideal.
