Saturday, September 22, 2012

Why Nations Fail

Read this summary by Lucky Tan


Why Nations Fail

There is an interesting book by Daron Acemoglu. an MIT economist and James A Robinson.a political scientist from Harvard. When they talk about failure, it is not a country disappearing or wipe off from the map but a failure of its socio-economic and political systems leading to abrupt change or revolutions.
You should read the book in its entirety but in case you don't have time, as usual, I'll summarise its findings for you.
"Countries such as Great Britain and the United States became rich because their citizens overthrew the elites who controlled power and created a society where political rights were much more broadly distributed, where the government was accountable and responsive to citizens, and where the great mass of people could take advantage of economic opportunities" - Extract from the book. 


  1. The lessons from countries like USA and UK also apply to Singapore - we need to create a more equal society where wealth and power is shared with the people.

    Isn't this embeeded in the Singapore Pledge?

  2. Yes, it is embedded in the Singapore Pledge, but LKY clarified once The Pledge is an aspiration only, not taken as per sec, implying the PAP Govt dun have to adhere to it, or simply he's telling us to "Tan Gu Gu", it's a long journey to attainment.
