Thursday, January 17, 2013

Topping up CPF Retirement Account

I wish to share my experience of topping up the CPF retirement account to the full amount for myself and my wife. This is suitable for people who has extra cash and wish to earn a higher interest rate under the CPF scheme.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr Tan.

    I will soon be sending you my letter from CPF for you to see. Once you top up above your minimum sum, you will not be able to opt for 20 years. You will still get payout based on the minimum sum, only for a longer period. You can ask fro enhanced payouts, but you'll get a small sum which would be lesser than the interest of 4% based on the extra amount, and at the end of 20 years, that extra amount, which should have been more due to the interest, would be gone. So please do not encourage others to top up beyond the minimum sum.
