Saturday, February 23, 2013

High inflation rate

Mr Tan,
As inflation rate for last year is about 5%. What do you think of any investment that is over that 5%?Is the world changing?

Inflation was 5% last year. The STI ETF earned 19%, so it is much higher than inflation. 

Over the past 10 years, the average inflation was around 3%. The STI ETF earned about 8%, so it is higher than inflation.

Over the long term, the STI ETF is still be best investment. Attend the FISCA talk and learn about why this is the

1 comment:

  1. Hey if you are invest in private capital markets then here is a good time to invest in ADDX. ADDX is a finance company that provides you a private capital markets and other alternative investments. Licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
