Sunday, May 05, 2013

A degree is not required for most jobs

Minister Khaw Boon Wan said that it is not necessary to have a university degree. I agree with this statement, as a degree is not required for most jobs. It is only required for some jobs.

Making this statement is a bold step. But it has to be followed by concrete action. 

I like to make this suggestion, so that the minister can use it in his own way, and no need to acknowledge that it comes from me:

1. State the benchmark salary for most jobs and the requirements needed for the jobs.

2. This should apply to salaries in the public service, e.g. teaching, nursing, office work, security, customer service, technical jobs.

3. Employ more people directly in the public service, and avoid outsourcing these jobs.

4. Recruit young people on internship for these jobs, and assure them of a full time job when they complete the internship satisfactorily.

If the public service sets the example, they will form the benchmark for the private sector.

If our young people know that they can get a good income without a degree, many of those who are not academically inclined will be prepared to opt for vocational training. It will save them or their parents from having to incur a large loan to get a university degree that is not needed.

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