Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Electronic voting

I am in favor of electronic voting to replace the current manual voting process.

1. The electronic vote can be encrypted and stored immediately in a secure server and a backup server. It is not possible to change the vote. 
2. All votes have an number that can be identified to a voter, but the actual vote cannot be read. This linkage is to identify the valid votes and ensure that there is only one vote for each voter.
3. The votes can be counted electronically by a software that is held by the Election Commission. An independent party can keep a copy of the software and do an independent count. This is to make sure that the software works reliably and has not been changed.
4. In the counting of the valid votes, there is no way of checking the identity of the voter - as the linkage is removed for the purpose of counting.
5. Can allow voters to vote in overseas locations, so long as their identity is verified.

Risk of Manual Systems
1. Fake ballot papers
2. Switching of ballot boxes enroute to counting center
3. Multiple votes by same voter
4. Counting errors

Risk of Electronic Voting
1. Tampering with the votes - solved by encryption
2. Tampering with the counting software - solved by giving multiple copies of the software to different parties, so they can run their own count and be assured that the software counts properly.

1 comment:

  1. Under the e-voting system, the voter will still appear at the polling station to be checked. They go to a computer to vote, rather than write a piece of paper. The e-votes are transmitted electronically to the server and counted by a software.
