Sunday, May 05, 2013

Taking the risk of a new Government

The general election in Malaysia is an interesting lesson for Singapore. Are Malaysians willing to take the risk to vote in a new Government?

Listen to the speech of the Nga Kor Ming, DAP candidate for Nibong Tebal and Anwar Ibrahim, leader of Perkatan Rakyat.

They are great speakers, able to mingle will with the multi-racial composition of the Malaysian voters.


  1. In life, every venture has a risk elememt, but nothing venture, nothing gain.
    Penang in opposition hands 5 years ago, has been doing well and act as a mirror to rest of States to watch.
    A CNA documentary on how Penang tackled a polluted river was impressive, and now they are focussing on cleaning the city public drains. How do the Opposition Govt do it. They employed a talented Malaysian expert on pollution clean-up.
    Lesson here. A newbie Govt could easily get talented people to help govern, just like Singapore got help from Dutch Economist, Wilse something, to guide us on the best Economic model to adopt.
    Take on Malaysia GE, the BN would still hold the fort, but with much slimmer margins than before.
    This is good news to Singaporean investors and property investors in Iskandar, Johore. A complete change of Govt may affect progress, a new broom would first make the chop on the rapid rise in property prices there, the bane of all Johoreans, pointing fingers at us, like what we do to foreigners here.
    The GE there is also a mirror for us to watch.

  2. I visited Penang twice last year. Many Penangites are impressive of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's CAT(Competency, Accountability, Transparency) Government. In terms of safety, security and cleanliness, Penang has achieved a remarkable improvement in the above-mentioned fields under his rule since 2008. An only drawback is of more congested roads - more prosperity and more cars.
