Sunday, July 28, 2013

FISCA Talk - Consumer Guide to Insurance, 3 August 2013

Are you buying the right life insurance policy? Are you getting good value for your premiums? Find out in this talk

Consumer Guide to Insurance, Saturday 3 August 2013.

More details of this talk can be found here:

Register for this talk at

Act now. The right decision can mean more than $100,000 in additional payout to you at maturity. 


  1. Attend the talk and save tens of thousands of dollars. Perhaps , you may learn how to pick the right adviser and not just learning about the suitable products for you.Engaging the right adviser can also save you thousands of dollars because you may end up engaging an insurance salesman and worse and insurance wolf , whose interest is selling you high commission products.
    Also be made aware there are insurance portals that give you at least 50% discount; there are 2 of them....Fundsupermart and Providend
    Financial. If you die die want to buy those high commission products like whole life or endwoment or limited pay endwoment etc buying from these portals can save a lot of money.
    It serves you well to attend the talk.

  2. Fellow Singaporeans are such strange creatures. Rather take blind risks with their hard earned money, but unwilling to pay a small sum to learn how not to lose it to fraudsters trailing them.
