Friday, August 16, 2013

Be constructive and open minded towards change

I want to point out the difference between being constructive and being negative.

When I point out some flaws in the current situation in Singapore, I am being constructive. Why?

To solve a problem, we have first to agree that we have a problem, and to agree on what our problem is.

In most cases, I do have some idea about the possible solution. I will put them forward, only as a suggestion. It may or may not work, depending on how it is implemented.

There is no need for smartalecs to evaluate my suggestion and pass judgment on it. Some of these people belong to the brainless group anyway. Some of them are paid just to defend the status quo, and will find dishonest arguments to criticize suggestions for change.

Sometimes, I do criticize our leaders. That is because they refused to see a problem that has been around for decades and still persist on following the faulty policies. My criticism is also intended to be constructive. If they don't recognize the folly, when are they going to change?

I hope that most of my readers understanding my thinking and what I am trying to do. And come forward to help me to achieve the goal of finding alternative solutions to our long standing issues.


  1. For every constructive suggestion you make there would be those who will view it in a negative light because of vested interests or inability to take criticism of any kind. Do not feel discouraged by uncivilised replies as they reflect badly on their writers. I think you have done a marvellous job in drawing attention to many issues plaguing our society. It is up to those having the power to solve them to do the “right” thing, and not for us to provide them the answers!

  2. At hospital specialist clinics, Doctor Fee (Medical officer)
    2012: $25
    2013: $30
    Change: $5

    At Emergency
    2012: $90
    2013: $98 (advance payment !)
    Change: $8

    At Polyclinic, patient pay Medical Officer (many are FT):
    2012: $8
    2013: $9+
    Change: $1+

    So much changes in terms of $.
