Friday, August 16, 2013

Be constructive and open minded towards change

I want to point out the difference between being constructive and being negative.

When I point out some flaws in the current situation in Singapore, I am being constructive. Why?

To solve a problem, we have first to agree that we have a problem, and to agree on what our problem is.

In most cases, I do have some idea about the possible solution. I will put them forward, only as a suggestion. It may or may not work, depending on how it is implemented.

There is no need for smartalecs to evaluate my suggestion and pass judgment on it. Some of these people belong to the brainless group anyway. Some of them are paid just to defend the status quo, and will find dishonest arguments to criticize suggestions for change.

Sometimes, I do criticize our leaders. That is because they refused to see a problem that has been around for decades and still persist on following the faulty policies. My criticism is also intended to be constructive. If they don't recognize the folly, when are they going to change?

I hope that most of my readers understanding my thinking and what I am trying to do. And come forward to help me to achieve the goal of finding alternative solutions to our long standing issues.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Make places more friendly to people

I observed that many parts of Singapore are not friendly to pedestrians and the public.

For example, in Midview City, the whole complex is enclosed and there are two vehicle gates and 1 pedestrian gate. If someone takes public transport to Midview City, they will have to walk a long way to find the gate (and signage is poor), and may find that they got the wrong gate and have to walk a long way to
 their destination.

This applies also to many other buildings in Singapore.

Somehow, most planners do not appear to look into the difficulties faced by the public in getting directions. The signage is usually inadequate and sometimes misleading.

There is too much attention on security (which I consider to be over-blown) and too little attention to the inconvenience and trouble it is causing to people. But, may I say, this is Singapore style.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Make the Police responsible to enforce the law

10 August 2013

Editor, Forum Page
Straits Times.

I refer to the letter by Adrian Lee Chiew Chaun entitled "Red tape discourages civic consciousness" (ST 10 August 2013).

Mr. Lee reported a case of an overfilled truck spilling sand on the road. His complaint was passed from one agency to another and all of them appeared to be unwilling to act on the offence.

Several years ago, the enforcement of the law was the duty of the Police, who were specially trained to handle violations. I suggest that the duty should be passed back to the Police to remove the current ambiguity.

I have heard anecdotes of how complaints are now being handled by investigators and suspect that there is too much reliance on paperwork. The effectiveness can be improved significantly by changing the focus to more field work and communication. It is likely that the person in charge is not aware of the violation of the violation. A request from the Police for a discussion is likely to result in corrective action being taken by the offender or the employer of the offender. The Police only need to pursue more intensive investigation on repeat offenders.

Let us go back to our old common sense approach to correct some of the problems that have been outstanding for a long time.

Tan Kin Lian

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Challenges for Ministry of Manpower

The Minister for Manpower and his ministry had a difficult challenge to solve the following dilemma:

1) We need more manpower for the economy due to insufficient Singaporeans, low birth rate, and an expanding economy.
2) To have to make sure that Singaporeans are not replaced when more foreigners are allowed in
3) There are some jobs that Singaporeans will not do, or do not have the required skills
4) NS reservist training will continue to be a serious impediment in the employment of male Singaporeans
5) There is a high turnover rate of Singaporeans, which makes employers prefer to employ foreigners.

What can be done to solve these challenges?