Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Growth in the foot

This is a famous foot with a growth.  My private doctor said there were two possibilities.
a) It is a tophus and is caused by gout attacks
b) there is a growth in the bone of the foot - but it is benign.

To find out what caused it, I visited the polyclinic for the first time in my life. I had to join 6 queues over 3 hours and only saw the doctor for 10 minutes. I now know why Singaporeans loved the time spent in queues - especially if they can take the time off from their work.

The polyclinic took an X-ray of my foot. The doctor studied the image and reported that is is most likely a tophus. I will be visiting a specialist in the hospital to see if they can remove the projection.


  1. Go NUH Emergency instead of waiting for your next appointment.

  2. My mother had similiar growth on her hand. A south asian specialist at ktph did not know what desease. He instructed an expensive scan 6 weeks later. I immediately rush my mother to NUH Emergency and attended by a local doctor. The diagnosis: Gout. After 1 day medication, she is well. My lesson learnt:: second opinion helps, don't wait if suffering.
