Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A wonderful mother

A woman telephoned my office and ask the difference between the financial planning book that cost $12 and $6. One is a hard copy book and the other is a PDF book. 
She told me that she has stopped working and is buying the book for her daughter who has just started working.
What a wonderful idea. What a wonderful gift for the daughter. What a wonderful mother. 
Her gift may save her daughter $100,000 to $200,000 by making the right investment.
I recommended the $6 Financial Planning for Young People (PDF) which is an updated version.

1 comment:

  1. That is right ... Yes for self protection........to teach her not to be financially raped by insurance agents and conmen.
    Hope parents will buy a copy to understand why the insurance agents should not be trusted, at least in first encounter.
