Thursday, August 27, 2015

Best wishes to the Reform Party

Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam is providing soft but essential leadership to the alliance of the alternative parties.

His Reform Party was willing to step aside in Jurong and Clementi and give way to the other parties. He took out the challenge of fielding a team for the Ang Mo Kio GRC and did assemble a good team.

He is now willing to step in to contest Pioneer North, at short notice, if the National Solidarity Party intends to give it up.

He has clearly demonstrated the skill of give and talk and is unselfish in his approach.

His father, JBJ, must be smiling from heaven. I wish all the best to Kenneth. He deserves to win a seat in Parliament. That would be good for our Parliament and for Singapore.

1 comment:

  1. Jeyaretnam Junior has learned his lesson well in the PE By Election.
    Can't get over the poignant scene of his father trying to sell his Hammer paper alone along a busy sidewalk. Too busy with life, just walked past him is regrettable.
    If Kenneth is contesting in our constituency, we would vote him, but Ken should project a more hard hitting personality like his father.
    In politics, can't be a gentleman, must have more drive, else can't take on the formidable big bad wolf.
    The result is unimportant, it's the process and the fighting spirit that counts. Like his principle of gathering a more creditable team with integrity, unlike the NSP Party, any rojak character is acceptable.
