Sunday, August 16, 2015

Entry level jobs for graduates

This article showed the difficulty faced by a graduate in getting a job with the expected pay.

Someone made this comment, "There is too many graduate and not enough job for entry level grad. too many job requires 2-3 year experience so how is a fresh grad ever going to get started".

This problem was evident 20 years ago. Employers preferred graduates with at least two years of working experience. The good graduates could get a job immediately, but many mediocre graduates had a difficult time to get a job.

The question is - if most employers prefer graduates with working experience, which employer will give the job to a fresh graduate to get that experience?

We have to recognize the underlying problems:

1) Fresh graduates without working experience, and with mediocre academic results are not in demand.

2) Employers avoid them, as these graduates are not useful to the employer but still expect a high starting salary as a graduate.

3) Even if they accept a low starting salary, they will continue to look for a better salary and will abandon the employer at an early opportunity.

4) Employers had bad experience with fresh graduates and do not wish to repeat the mistake of training them for other employers.

What is the solution?

Students who are not academically strong should consider starting work earlier and gain the working experience, instead of going to university. After four years of working experience, they may be more valuable to an employer than a fresh graduate. 

Employers should give a contract to a fresh graduate the require them to sign a bond to work with the employer for two to four years. If the employee break the bond, they have to compensate the employer. This gives the employer the assurance that their investment in the training of the employee is not for the benefit of the next employer ,who could be a competitor. It also allows the fresh graduate a chance to gain the working experience.

We need to think out of the box to solve this problem.

1 comment:

  1. I think the main problem lies with the fact that there are way too many graduates on the market and too few entry level positions that would require a degree to perform the tasks, especially given this economic climate. This is indeed a difficult problem to solve. Many graduates are settling for jobs that they are overqualified for or contract jobs because they are unable to find permanent roles that have good career and wage progression and that also give them learning opportunities related to what they studied in university. I have seen the few entry level positions that satisfy these conditions overapplied for - fresh graduates literally have to stand out to get them. What's left for the majority who don't?
