Friday, August 07, 2015

Location, location, location

Dear Mr. Tan
Happy National Day.
I am a real estate salesman. At the start of my career, I learned that the three most important things to look for when you buy a property are location, location and location.
I like to share with you, another part of our life where location is important.
A long time ago, an Englishman left his country to work in a British colony in the Far East. His wife could not accompany him. A year later, she heard rumors that her husband was keeping another woman.
She sent a letter to him. It arrived a month later. "My dear Michael, I received news that you are having an affair. Tell me if this is true and what does she have that I do not have?"
His reply reached the wife a month later. "Dear Sally, you must know that it has been quite lonely for me here. I want to confess that I am keeping another woman, but don't worry. She has what you got, no more. But ... she has it here.".
So, Mr. Tan, you can see how important location is, when it comes to a woman as well.
Enjoy the holidays.

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