Saturday, October 03, 2015

Eradication of corruption

There is a country, which I shall not name, that has rampant corruption over the past decades.

The corruption exists in all sectors of their society and involves politicians, civil servants, the courts, tax authority and the law enforcers. The people knows about the corrupt practices and accepts it as part of their life.

This country has, in recent years, taken steps to reduce the corrupt practices. They created an  independent  bureau with the power to investigate and prosecute corrupt practices. They appoint people with integrity to manage the bureau. The people, by and large, respect the bureau and its office bearers (but there are exceptions).

This country also has an independent media. The newspapers are willing to write about the corrupt practices and to expose them. They could criticize the judgments passed by the courts or the actions, or lack of actions, taken by the law enforcers. They also expose the corrupt practices of the politicians.

The media are subject to law suits for defamation. But the exposed parties do not take the defamation suits as they are not certain of winning their case. They prefer to ignore the news reports knowing that there is insufficient evidence to prosecute them.

It is difficult to eradicate the corruption in this country. due to its long history of corrupt practices, but they are putting the framework to address this challenge.

In contrast, there is another country (which shall also be unnamed) that is respected for its clean practices. The civil servants generally act with integrity and dare not demand or  receive any bribe.

This country has a mainstream media that is quite tame. It does not write about corrupt practices.

Some bloggers use the social media to describe what could be an unethical or corrupt practice. Some of these bloggers have been threatened or sued for defamation. The law courts takes a harsh stand against allegations of corruption that could not be proved.

If there is any corrupt practices involving powerful politicians, it could hardly surface in the mainstream media. The law enforcers are under orders of the politicians. They do not act independently.

Which country will have a better future - the first or the second?

1 comment:

  1. First country. Why? everybody can do anything. Isn't it good? Freedom to do this and that , unchecked. Freedom of the press. because everyone is corrupted it is easier to turn away your eyes.
