Monday, January 04, 2016

Singapore Flyer needs to improve their website

Why is the London Eye doing so well, and the Singapore Flyer is struggling?

I gave my views here:…/london-eye-vs-singapore-fly…

Several people have commented that the poor location of the Singapore Flyer is a big factor. And competition from Marina Bay Sands is another.

I agree with the views on location and the competition. But these are physical factors that cannot be changed now.

There is no need for the Singapore Flyer to have a badly designed and confusing website. There will be many tourists who hear about the Singapore Flyer and want to read about it before they decide to visit it. They will be put off (like I did) with the website.

There are things that can be done, and other things that cannot be done. I hope that the management of the Singapore Flyer will improve their website and bring in some of the visitors that they lost unnecessarily.

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