Monday, March 28, 2016

Are you stuck with a bad life insurance policy?

Have you been sold a bad life insurance policy? Are you now stuck with it? What can you do about the policy?

Attend this talk, and learn what you can do.

1 comment:

  1. Do u see your predator's picture in the ST today?
    Can u recognise him or her? Why is your agent in the picture for the SMA award?
    He or she is there because of bought an expensive insurance from him or her. What about u? Burdened by a useless but expensive rotten insurance plan?
    Please do yourself a favour, by attending Mr.Tan"s talk and save ten of thousand of dollars that have usually gone into your agents' pocket and leave you HIGH AND DRY.
    Wake up, consumers and be smart buyers of insurance.
    Ask the agents for large commission rebate as much as 70% or else don't do business with them. The top agents are giving away as much as 70% and that is why they stay at the top always. These agents are smart; they know this is business.
