Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Bernie Sanders ask for additional debate before the New York primary election

We sent a letter to Hillary Clinton's campaign over the weekend asking for a debate in New York before its battleground primary on April 19.
You can read the full letter to Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook here:
Dear Robby,
I am writing to you about the remaining, agreed-upon Democratic primary season debates in April and May of this year. As you know, Secretary Clinton agreed to three additional debates – one in March, one in April, one in May – in return for our campaign agreeing to the late-scheduled debate in New Hampshire prior to that state’s primary.
At Senator Sanders’ request, the March debate was held in Michigan. As I understand it, there was previously agreement reached by our representatives for the May debate to be held in California. I trust that commitment remains on your part.
However, there has not been agreement on the April debate in terms of date or location. Our campaign continues to believe that the people of New York deserve to have the debate held in their state, and that it should be held prior to the New York primary.
Given the outcome of electoral contests since March 15th it is clearer than ever that New York will play a critical role in determining the Democratic nominee. However, your campaign has consistently chosen to deny the people of New York the opportunity to see Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton debate in the Empire State.
It is difficult to understand your motivation. I have received calls from numerous news companies seeking to sponsor a New York debate so I know the media interest would be high. Can you please explain why New York should not host the April debate? Is the Secretary concerned about debating before the people who twice elected her to the U.S. Senate?
Perhaps there is some tactical advantage you are seeking by avoiding a debate in New York but I would remind you that Senator Sanders agreed to debate the Secretary in New Hampshire when he was well ahead in the polls.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience so we can schedule the New York debate in April.
Jeff Weaver

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