Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bernie Sander's campaign hit Hillary Clinton on getting big donors

Sisters and Brothers -
When most Americans want to spend some time with George Clooney, they shell out $8 at a movie theater and can expect a pretty good time. He is, after all, a tremendous actor.
But in three weeks, Hillary Clinton is hosting a fundraising event with George Clooney at the home of a California venture capitalist that will cost people who want “premium dinner seating” $353,400 to attend.
Now, most of us can agree that is an obscene amount of money. It’s a sum that would require an employee making the federal minimum wage to work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for more than 5 years.
This is what we’re up against in this campaign, and why it’s so impressive we’ve held our own raising $5, $10, $27 at a time from working Americans. But with three critical caucuses just a day away, we have to ask:
The three caucuses happening tomorrow present a tremendous opportunity for our campaign to reclaim a significant number of delegates in one day alone. If we do, and if we keep fighting through a number of large and important states ahead, we can win. That’s why your contribution is so important.
In solidarity,
Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016

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