Monday, March 21, 2016

Dell XPS 13 - surprise and setback

I bought a Dell XPS 13 for $1,300 SGD. That is a good price. I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be light and the keyboard and screen were great.

I soon discovered two setbacks -
a) It does not have a HDMI port
b) The battery could not charge - the message showed "Power on, not charging".

I bought a Dell adapter - USB-C to HDMI. It worked fine. I already had an adapter from HDMI to VGA. This works well for me, as I have to give talks with my laptop.

I contacted Dell to tell them about the battery problem. They diagnosed the fault to be a faulty adapter. They delivered a replacement adapter to me the following day. That is wonderful service.

If the replacement adapter works, my feedback on the laptop will be great. I also enjoyed the great service of Dell.

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