Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Making a bus transfer and taking a break for breakfast

I missed Bus 163 (which goes direct to my office) this morning. Instead of waiting for the next 163, I decided to take bus 86. I dropped off and changed to bus 162 to my office.

As the transfer is made at the same bus stop, it was quite convenient for me.

Actually, I took a break to have breakfast at Ang Mo Kio before taking bus 162. The two legs are considered as the same journey, so I only paid a maximum of 90 cents for the two legs of the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Wise of Mr. Tan to take public transport than get another new car.
    Anticipate COEs to drop further, and estimate end of 2017 best time to buy a new car, when record cars will be scrapped.
    May even see $20,000 to 25,000 COEs.
    But then Govt may open the foreigner tap again to distort market trend again. Still worth waiting.
