Friday, April 22, 2016

Bernie Sanders and the labor dispute in Verizon

Sisters and Brothers,
The CEO of Verizon makes almost $20 million a year in compensation. He leads one of the most profitable companies in the country.
Yet Verizon wants to take away employees' health benefits. Verizon wants to outsource decent-paying jobs. Verizon wants to avoid paying federal income tax. And right now, Verizon is refusing to sit down and negotiate a fair contract with its employees.
In other words, Verizon is just another major American corporation trying to destroy the lives of working Americans. But this time, Verizon's employees are fighting back.
Thousands of very brave employees of Verizon and Verizon Wireless are on strike until they can get a fair contract. They made a very difficult decision that puts their families at risk -- but it's a choice they made to stand up for justice against corporate greed.
Twice last week in New York City I stood with Verizon workers in the streets. I did so because they're doing something very brave: they're standing up not just for themselves, but for the millions of Americans who don't have a union.
The working class of this country deserves to earn decent wages, decent benefits, and not see their jobs go to low-wage countries.
Verizon's CEO doesn't think that. He called me "contemptible" for saying that his employees need a fair contract, and that Verizon should pay its fair share in federal income taxes.
What I think is contemptible is CEOs with multi-million dollar compensation packages, presiding over extremely profitable companies, and still refusing to give their employees fair contracts.
Corporate greed is a scourge on this country, and it will take all of us standing up for justice in order to rein it in. One significant way you can stand up to corporate greed is by standing with Verizon employees who are out on strike.
Corporate America is slowly beginning to realize that they cannot have it all. Thanks for helping them know it.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

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