Monday, April 25, 2016

Bernie Sanders continue to use phone banking to reach out to the voters in several states

Bernie Supporter –
If you believe in what Bernie stands for, we need you to get on the phones and talk to some voters.
On Tuesday, 384 pledged delegates are at stake in five contests. We need to win as many of those delegates as possible to keep our movement going strong.
We've come from an afterthought in the polls, to where we are now, thanks to a lot of hard work from supporters just like you. So please join with thousands of other Bernie supporters across America, and put in a few hours today or tomorrow to call voters in the states votingTuesday.
Help us reach our goal and call 3.5 million voters
Calling on our Bernie Dialer is easy, and very efficient. All you need is a computer or tablet, and a phone. We provide you with a script to follow, and there are volunteers standing by on livechat to answer your questions if you get stuck.
Together, we are the most powerful force for change in American politics today. And with every vote, every delegate and every victory, we grow stronger. Your efforts are essential to winning those votes, so we hope you'll stand with us and keep up the fight for the values we believe in.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

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