Friday, April 15, 2016

Bernie Sander's team call volunteers to make 1 million phone calls a day in New York

Dear Bernie Supporter,
We’re just five days out from the New York primary. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment, so we’re setting a huge and ambitious goal that could be the difference between victory and defeat: calling two million voters over the weekend.
To reach our goal, we need 15,000 of you to sign up to call New York voters for at least an hour this Saturday or Sunday.
48 hours. 15,000 volunteers. Two million calls. Are you in?
Take New York by phone!
If we reach 15,000 callers between Saturday and Sunday, we estimate we’ll make more than a million calls a day, which is yuuuuge. In fact, as far as we can tell, this could be the biggest virtual phonebank ever!
We’ll be honest: this is such an ambitious goal that we might not reach it. But this campaign is, after all, about doing big things. And if enough of us get on the phones this weekend, Tuesday could deliver yet another historic upset victory for Bernie.
If you’ve never made phone calls to voters before, don’t worry. It’s easy. All you need is a computer or a tablet and a phone. There’s a simple script for you to follow, and there are volunteers standing by on livechat to help if you get stuck.
Right now, in lower Manhattan, the Wall Street bankers, corporate media types, and Democratic party establishment figures are hoping you’ll sit this fight out. They know that a win in New York would put us in a strong position to win the nomination – and threaten the entire rigged system that benefits them personally.
Let’s show them that we too know how high the stakes are – by setting a historic record right before Tuesday’s vote. Sign up to call New York.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

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