Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Managers have to pay attention to operations and customer service

Bus 163 is usually quite crowded in the morning between 8 to 9 am. It is difficult to get up the bus.

I do not mind. Being the peak period, this has to be expected. There is nothing much that the bus operator can do, except to ensure that the buses keep to their schedule.

The bus also move quite slowly along Yio Chu Kang Road, as there were too many cars. When it reached Upper Thomson Road, it was able to move along the dedicated bus lane, so the bus move more quickly.

I only get annoyed when I see that the bus operations were badly managed and the managers were not paying attention to their service.

I get annoyed that some buses have tracking systems that were faulty and apparently they were not spotted or rectified for months (this is just my suspicion).

I get annoyed that the buses do not have a voice announcement or displays on the next bus stop. Surely, this could have been done years ago, maybe decades ago.

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