Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Team Bernie made 3 million calls in New York

Bernie Supporter,
Last week, when we asked for 15,000 of you to call New York, we honestly weren't sure if we could hit that target. But Sunday night when we ran the numbers, we found that you smashed through our original goal of two million calls, and put more than THREE million calls into New York in just two days.
That is simply incredible! And it could make a huge difference today.But we can't stop now. Despite a ton of on-the-ground momentum, Bernie is still down a few points in the polls this morning as New Yorkers head out to vote.
URGENT: we need 7,500 of you on the phones for one hour todayto make sure Bernie supporters in New York get out to vote. If 7,500 of you get on the phones for at least one hour, we'll put another million calls into New York when it counts the most – on primary day.
Help put us over the top. Call NY voters today!

An upset victory in New York would be game-changing for this primary and this movement, and put us on a path to win the nomination and the White House. We know we have the grassroots support to pull it off, but the critical challenge is getting Bernie's supporters to the polls. Your calls today could literally mean the difference between winning and losing tonight.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

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