Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Bernie Sanders continues to raise funds for progressive candidates

Sisters and Brothers -
You ask anyone running for office what they hate most about it, and I guarantee that virtually every single candidate will say that it's raising money.
The way that you have helped me run for president is absolutely unprecedented. I get to talk to voters, while my opponent has to talk to donors.
The candidates we're endorsing for other races are seeing similar results.We funded state legislative candidates' entire campaigns through one email. We completely transformed several congressional races because of your generosity.
That's why today I'm endorsing 2 new progressives – Eric Kingson in New York, and Paul Clements in Michigan – and asking you to again support Lucy Flores, Zephyr Teachout, Pramila Jayapal, and Tim Canova in their races for Congress.
After 10,000 people contributed to Chris Pearson, who's running for the Vermont State Senate, his entire campaign was funded. For the whole election! Chris said in response, "What it means for me is now I don't have to spend time asking a small number of donors for big checks."
When you helped raise huge sums of money for Zephyr Teachout's campaign in New York, she was able to cancel her fundraising calls and head out on the picket line with striking workers throughout her district.
Lucy Flores' election is in just one week, and your support for her this spring completely upended her primary. Your support for her today could put her close to victory.
I'm endorsing Eric Kingson for Congress in New York because he led the fight to protect Social Security, and I'm endorsing Paul Clements in Michigan because he can help unseat the leading climate change denier in Congress. I know that we can transform their races too, like we did for Chris, Zephyr, and Lucy.
What we are proving – you and me, sisters and brothers – is that it is possible to take back our country from the billionaire class. It is possible to stop millionaires and billionaires from buying our democracy. And we can do it $27 at a time.
Our movement is so powerful that we can change congressional elections overnight. Let's keep going.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

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