Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Display of Next Bus Stop

I took the bus home late tonight. I could not see the landmarks on the road. I was reminded that our super transport minister KBW had been in the job for more than 6 months. He has still not done anything to improve the display or voice announcement in the bus to tell commuters which is the next bus stop.

KBW probably thinks that every bus commuter, including the elderly, have super eyesight that allowed them to see the landmarks at night. Perhaps he thinks that we could be morphed into owls.

I was hopeful that Tower Transit, being new in Singapore, would have acted differently from the other two bus operators and taken my suggestion to introduce the display or voice announcement in the bus.

I was sadly mistaken. Tower Transit had embraced the local culture within the first week. They do not reply to suggestions sent by email. When they received some negative publicity in the social media (from me), they immediately replied and said that they would look into the matter.

Nobody contacted me or gave a reply for the past month. They are plainly not interested. They have even adopted the standard operating procedure of giving a nicely worded reply and filing the matter away. They have already achieved their target. This must be the SOP adopted in the civil service under our dear PM, LHL.

I resorted to using Google Map to get my location. I managed, with effort, to get down at the correct stop.

I will be developing a mobile app with the sole purpose of showing the Stop Number of the next bus stop. The three transport operators can download the app from Google or Apple for free into their tablet and use it as a big display in the bus. Maybe, they are wating for the free app to be available.

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