Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Streamline the bus services

Many roads in the city area have several bus stops near each other. They need several stops because more than 20 services have to stop there. They have to separate 4 to 7 services at each stop. Examples are Bras Basah Road, North Bridge Road, New Bridge Road, etc.

Why do we have so many services in Singapore. This is due to the complicated and confusing system. When I could not for a service at a certain stop, I have to walk 10 meters down the road to the next stop - hoping to find it there.
Fortunately, I have a mobile app to guide me. What about other passengers who do not know how to use the app?
It is better to simplify and streamline our bus services. We need a smaller number of long distance services with limited stops which are supported by feeder services to serve the nearby areas.
This approach can reduce the number of services by half and still provide a faster and better service to the public. It will also improve operational efficiency.

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