Friday, October 14, 2016

Confused with integrated shield plan

I picked up a call to my office

Voice: Mr. Tan, I am in my late 60s. I am insured under NTUC Medishield plan. Should I stay with this plan or not? I don't know what to do.

TKL: If you are well off, and money does not matter to you, you can stick with the integrated shield plan from NTUC or from any other company. But if money matters to you, then you should compare the premium rate charged by Medishield Life and the integrated shield plan. You should also find out what is the difference in cover from the plan.

Voice: I went to NTUC's office in Bras Basah Road. The counter staff was not able to explain the difference to me. They do not know their product well. I am confused. I also find the integrated shield plans from other insurance companies to be confusing. So, I am asking for your advice.

TKL: Sorry, I do not have the time to explain the difference to you. If you don't know what you are being covered for, you should move back to Medishield Life. I am covered under Medishield Life. It is all right for me. I pay a premium of $600. I understand that the premium for integrated shield plan is several times higher.

1 comment:

  1. The NTUC counter staff pretended not to know. If they know they would be embarrassed not to advise you to cancel the incomeshield plan against ntuc interest. So pretend and don't have to commit.
