Tuesday, December 20, 2016

It is important to understand the question

I told this story in a seminar in Bangkok. It was well received.

I took the actuarial examination through self study while I was working full time. I did not have time to prepare well for each subject. On leaving the examination room, I often got the impression that I would fail the paper because I could not answer many of the questions. I was often surprised to learn that I passed the paper. At first, I thought it was just good luck.

Many years later, I understood a different perspective. Although I did not know the answers, I understood the questions. The examiner decided to give me a pass, because I understood the subject.

It is as important to understand the question as to get the right answer. Often, it is important to ask the right question.

At the close, I asked the participants to tell me what they learned during the seminar. Two older participants mentioned that it is important to understand the question and to ask the right question. They understood this principle through their many years of working experience. 

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