Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Poor service fro m bus drivers

A few days ago, I arrived at the bus stop. My bus was about to leave the stop. I run towards the bus. The driver saw me and waved me to the next bus. I thought that the next bus would arrive soon.

The bus was late. Instead of the usual interval of 12 minutes, I had to wait more than 15 minutes. If the earlier bus had waited 5 seconds, I would have boarded it. But it did not - so I had to wait 15 minutes. This is poor service.

Quite often, there is a passenger in a wheel chair in the bus. The bus captain had to stop the bus, come to the exit, open the ramp for the wheel chair to leave the bus. That is considerate and is part of the standard operating procedures. The passengers had to wait for 1 minute for this process to be completed.

What is wrong waiting 5 seconds for a passenger to board the bus?

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