Saturday, December 24, 2016

Shameful state of the public service

Is the Singapore Police Force understaffed or unproductive?

This is the question asked by Philip Ang in this letter to the Commissioner of Police.…/is-the-spf-unders…/

I have personal experience in lodging three complaints to the Police over the past 15 years.

In all of these cases, the investigation was shameful. Nothing was done. The investigating officer did not call me for discussion on any of these complaints.

I asked the officer specifically in one case - did you call the accused for an interview. He replied "No". He spent six months doing paper research.

I don't know what happened in the other two cases. They were closed after six or more months. I suspect that the investigating officer did nothing all of this time.

This is the quality of the investigation by our Police Force.

I also had disappointing experience in providing feedback to government agencies and to ministers. They sent a standard reply and did nothing. They don't want to understand the root of the problem.

The public service will continue to go downhill under the current government.

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