Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Who should you buy life insurance from?

Most consumers buy life insurance from the following sources:

a) An agent or financial adviser whom they know personally or who is introduced by a friend
b) An agent whom they meet at a "road show"
c) A bank officer

You may be surprised that the biggest risk of being sold the wrong insurance policy comes from the road show or the bank.


1 comment:

  1. Never, NEVER, NEVER buy insurance from insurance agents, especially tied agents and banks. Buy from
    1. www.compareFirst.sg...free of commission. only term and whole life insurance availble now but soon ALL insurance products will be availbale
    2. DIYinsurance ........50% rebate from commission, with advice
    3. fundsupermart........50% rebate from commission,with advice
    Check out above before if u want to buy insurance. The best protection from conmen and women is NEVER buy at roadshows or when prospected but to check out the above websites. Always NEVER decide or agree immediately but to seek second opinion. Always tell the agents that you want to think about it.
