Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A painful process to open an utilities account

I just opened an utilities account with SP Services. It is a tedious account opening process. The online form is quite difficult to complete. They ask for so many information.

As the owner of the apartment that is tenanted out, I have to go through this tiresome process each time there is a change of tenancy.

SP Services does not allow the "old account" to be re-opened. Instead, they force the owner to go through a painful opening opening process - as if this is the first time opening of the account.

Do they have common sense? They should go to Cambodia and learn from the people there. (See my earlier posting about how I was impressed with simple, common sense procedures that is adopted there).

I had given this feedback to SP Service 2 years ago. Nothing is done. Their painful procedure remain the same.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Tan, if you employ an agent to market your property, he would do the process for you, you've only ensure your previous tenant closes his account.
