Saturday, January 21, 2017

Donald Trump - a fairy tale came true

In a few hours time, Donald Trump will become the 45h President of the United States. It is a fairy tale came true.

Like the fairy tale, Donald Trump is like the poor young girl that married the handsome prince. It was totally unexpected, not least by the poor girl.

We know that Donald Trump is not poor, neither is he young, nor a girl. But, like the fairy tale, he achieved the same unexpected outcome!

Donald Trump did not really expect to be President. He did enjoy the two years of campaigning. He made promises that he thought he would not be expected to fulfil - because he thought that he would not become elected.

For his pretty wife Melania, it is really a fairy tale came true. While she married a rich billionaire and was happy to be his wife and mother to their son, she never expected to become the First Lady of the United States.

There could be another twist to this fairy tale. The final winner could be the unexpected 46th President of the United States.

Some observers expect Donald Trump to resign his office within a year or two, because it would be a job that he did not really enjoy doing. His tweet would be taken away from him. He had to behave himself in front of pretty ladies. That would be no fun.

When that happens, Mike Pence would take over as the President. While two dozen candidates fought hard to be nominated and to be elected, Mike Pence had a relatively easy job. He only had to attend a few rallies and say some some nice, uncontroversial words. That's all. 

Will the unexpected really happen? That would be the most unusual fairy tale!

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