Saturday, September 23, 2017

Wisdom of the Crowd - new issues

Here are the new issues in The Wisdom of the Crowd for you to vote.

a) Will the military cooperation between Singapore and China cause problems with our neighbors?
b) Do you expect President Halimah to make a major impact during her presidency>

Vote in

1 comment:

  1. The real problem would be if the UN or US request Singapore to send a Navy ship to North East Asia to physically partake the UN Embargo to prevent ships trading with North Korea.
    No guessing most ships plying North East Asian seas are Chinese cargo ships. The recent damage control, buddy diplomacy PM Lee doing with the Chinese leaders, the declaration between the countries' Defence Pact, would our Navy dare to confront these Chinese ships?
    China is paying lip service to joining sanctions, but still trading with the Hermit Kingdom under cover.
