Sunday, October 29, 2017

CET for adult workers

The government wants to expand the Continuing Educational Training (CET) for adult workers.

My view is that it will have a limited impact. Why?

They have already put in much effort in the current SkillsFuture program. It did not seem to produce much results.

Sure, many people have attended the SkillsFuture courses and found them to be useful. But it did not help them to get the jobs that they like to have. They really want to continue to be gainfully employed.

It may be a good way to pass the time and even to acquire some useful skills. But the real goal must be to gain employment, right?

Is there a way for the government to achieve a better outcome? In my view, there is a better way. They have to adopt a different approach.

What is this different approach? They can learn from Germany. Germany has an apprenticeship system for young workers. It worked extremely well and make Germany into a successful industrial nation with workers possessing strong technical skills.

How can the German apprenticeship system apply to the CET prograqm that the government is trying to develop?

If Mr. Ong Ye Kung wants to know my answer, he can ask his scholar to contact me. I will share my views on how to make the CET succesful. I will show how the German apprenticeship system can be applied here.

If not, let the minister waste another few years and achieve no result.

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