Sunday, October 22, 2017

Development need to be pedestrian friendly

I took a walk around the shops in Flora Vista. I observed the design of this mini shopping mall. It was most disappointing.

The mall was designed on the assumption that all the customers would be driving to the mini-mall. It did not take into account the fact that most of the customers live in the houses nearly and are likely to walk to the mini mall. They have to walk a long way to the entrance of the mall.

It is all right for people who drive. But it is a long walk for people who walk to the mini-mall.

Sadly, most of the developments in Singaore are designed to be friendly to drivers but most unfriendly to pedestrians. It is time for our planners to realize their shortcomings.

It is so sad that after five decades, we have not changed our basic approach towards designing our development to be pedestrian friendly.

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