Thursday, October 19, 2017

Do the work on the ground

In "the old days", managers carry out their work with dedication. A manager who is in charge of maintenance would go round to inspect the maintenance work that is carred out by the maintenance crew. If any work is not done properly, the manager would point out the shortcoming and get the crew to rectify it.

Today, most manager sit behind the desk to write paper reports. They do not go out to inspect the work that is supposed to be carried out.

If the SMRT managers had carried out their work like in "the old days", they would have noticed that the maintenance work was carried out in a sloppy manner and that tools and sludge were left in the tunnel. It eventually caused the breakdown of the pumps and the flooding of the tunnel.

We need to go back to the "good old days" and have managers actually do the work of inspecting and manager. We should not spend too much time at the desk preparing reports.

If CEO Kuek wants to know what is the "culture problem", he should look at the habit of writing reports instead of going out to inspect the actual work.

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