Friday, October 13, 2017

Faulty pumps

What is the best way for SMRT to deal with the faulty pumps?

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1 comment:

  1. I read from the papers it was the float level controller that was faulty not the pumps themselves. Such float level controllers will activate the pumps when the water level in the sump is at a high level. Based upon operating experience in pumping systems, such float level controllers which use a float device on the surface of the water could get stuck by debris brought in the rain water n will not activate the pumps automatically. Additional standby pumps as mentioned by some so called experts will not help to prevent such situations as it was not the pumps at fault. Close monitoring of the water level by visual means ie eyes or cameras to initiate immediate emergency actions to activate the pumps manually or to use portable submersible pumps can help avoid such incidents.
